Hello. I have been playing around with data cleaning and the tidyr package in the statistics programming language R. Here is a guide on it.





The Importance of Clean Data


As someone who took numerous statistics courses, the datasets given us to us students were often not very large and they were formatted in a way that was ready for statistical modeling and for statistical data analyses.

What was not mentioned in my experiences was data handling and data cleaning. The clean data was taken for granted.

In the event of non-organized data, data cleaning is needed in order for the data to be ready for tasks such as data manipulation, data extraction, statistical modeling and so on.

The guide below will be a brief guide to the tidyr package in R and its functions.

Assuming that tidyr is installed into R, load the package using the library function.




Tidy Data


In a data set, we have variables as column names and observations in each row.

With a tidy data set, each variable has its own column and each observation is in its own row.

Column names which have X1, X2, X3 and so on are not very good as they are not descriptive enough. More appropriate column variables would be Price, Count and Gender for example.

Values such as 1 and 2 for Gender are not ideal. They can be replaced by Male and Female.

Years of 2000, 2001, 2002 and so on are not good as column names as we could have a Year column with 2000, 2001, 2000 inside the column corresponding to the observation/row.

The next sections will look into various functions in R’s tidyr package for data cleaning, data manipulation and formatting.




The gather() function in tidyr is for when you have column names which are not variables such as years 1998, 1999, 2000 for example. Gather() gathers columns into rows.

This example in R shows how the gather() function is applied to the barley (named as immer) data from the library(MASS) dataset package in R.

From the R documentation, here is information about the variables in the immer dataset.

Loc: Location Var: The variety of barley (“manchuria”, “svansota”, “velvet”, “trebi” and “peatland”). Y1: Yield in 1931. Y2: Yield in 1932.



barley <- immer

##   Loc Var    Y1    Y2
## 1  UF   M  81.0  80.7
## 2  UF   S 105.4  82.3
## 3  UF   V 119.7  80.4
## 4  UF   T 109.7  87.2
## 5  UF   P  98.3  84.2
## 6   W   M 146.6 100.4
## 'data.frame':    30 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ Loc: Factor w/ 6 levels "C","D","GR","M",..: 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 ...
##  $ Var: Factor w/ 5 levels "M","P","S","T",..: 1 3 5 4 2 1 3 5 4 2 ...
##  $ Y1 : num  81 105.4 119.7 109.7 98.3 ...
##  $ Y2 : num  80.7 82.3 80.4 87.2 84.2 ...


In the above code, a peek of the dataset was done along with looking at the variables. The column names were renamed before the gather() function was used.


# Rename column names:

# Y1 is yield in 1931, Y2 is yield in 1932

col_names <- c("Location", "Barley_Type", "1931", "1932")

colnames(barley) <- col_names

# Take columns from 1931 and 1932 into rows. 
# 1931 and 1932 belong into new column Year, values from the old 1931 & 1932 columns
# are yield values with the respective year.

barley2 <- gather(barley, "Year", "Yield", c(3, 4))

##   Location Barley_Type Year Yield
## 1       UF           M 1931  81.0
## 2       UF           S 1931 105.4
## 3       UF           V 1931 119.7
## 4       UF           T 1931 109.7
## 5       UF           P 1931  98.3
## 6        W           M 1931 146.6
##    Location Barley_Type Year Yield
## 55       GR           P 1932  80.3
## 56        D           M 1932  67.7
## 57        D           S 1932  66.7
## 58        D           V 1932  67.4
## 59        D           T 1932  91.8
## 60        D           P 1932  94.1


In the gather function, barley was used as the dataset. New columns “Year” and “Yield” were created from columns three and four from barley as indicated by c(3,4).

From gather(), the years 1931 and 1932 are in the new Year column. The values from the old columns of 1931 and 1932 are in the values column with the values corresponding with the year 1931 or 1932.




The opposite of gather is spread(). Spread() takes rows into columns.

Here is an example using the suicide dataset in the faraway data package.

The R documentation for the suicide dataset in the faraway package is as follows:


y: number of people cause: method used - a factor with levels drug (suicide by solid or liquid matter), gas, gun (guns, knives or explosives) hang (hanging, strangling, suffocating or drowning, jump other age: a factor with levels m (middle-aged) o (old) y (young) sex: a factor with levels f m




# spread rows into columns: long to wide format



suicide_data <- suicide

##     y cause age sex
## 1 398  drug   y   m
## 2 121   gas   y   m
## 3 455  hang   y   m
## 4 155   gun   y   m
## 5  55  jump   y   m
## 6 124 other   y   m


After a quick look at the suicide dataset, the column names are not descriptive enough. It is best to change y into something like Counts.


suicide_wide <- spread(suicide_data, sex, y)

colnames(suicide_wide) <- c("Cause", "Age_Group", "Female_Count", "Male_Count")

##   Cause Age_Group Female_Count Male_Count
## 1  drug         m          450        399
## 2  drug         o          154         93
## 3  drug         y          259        398
## 4   gas         m           13         82
## 5   gas         o            5          6
## 6   gas         y           15        121


The spread() function here uses the suicide_data dataset, separates the y counts by sex (male and female). The colnames part of the code renames the columns as specified by the user. The new columns are Cause, Age_Group, Female_Count, Male_Count.



In the Age_Group column, the factors of m, o and y are vague and could use some edits. The following code will take these m, o and y values as numerics, change them to “Middle_Aged”, “Old” and “Young” respectively and convert them as factors.


# Convert the factors m, o, y to numerics 1, 2, 3:
suicide_wide$Age_Group <- as.numeric(suicide_wide$Age_Group)

# Convert the 1, 2, 3 to middle aged, old, and young factors
suicide_wide$Age_Group[suicide_wide$Age_Group == 1] <- "Middle-Aged"
suicide_wide$Age_Group[suicide_wide$Age_Group == 2] <- "Old"
suicide_wide$Age_Group[suicide_wide$Age_Group == 3] <- "Young"

# Convert the Age_Group column back as factors:

suicide_wide$Age_Group <- as.factor(suicide_wide$Age_Group)

##   Cause   Age_Group Female_Count Male_Count
## 1  drug Middle-Aged          450        399
## 2  drug         Old          154         93
## 3  drug       Young          259        398
## 4   gas Middle-Aged           13         82
## 5   gas         Old            5          6
## 6   gas       Young           15        121


Reversing spread() with gather()


We can undo the spread function with tidyr’s gather() function as follows:


## Putting it back using gather():

suicide2 <- gather(suicide_wide, "Gender", "Count", 3:4)

##   Cause   Age_Group       Gender Count
## 1  drug Middle-Aged Female_Count   450
## 2  drug         Old Female_Count   154
## 3  drug       Young Female_Count   259
## 4   gas Middle-Aged Female_Count    13
## 5   gas         Old Female_Count     5
## 6   gas       Young Female_Count    15
suicide2$Gender[suicide2$Gender == "Female_Count"] <- "Female"
suicide2$Gender[suicide2$Gender == "Male_Count"] <- "Male"

##   Cause   Age_Group Gender Count
## 1  drug Middle-Aged Female   450
## 2  drug         Old Female   154
## 3  drug       Young Female   259
## 4   gas Middle-Aged Female    13
## 5   gas         Old Female     5
## 6   gas       Young Female    15




Several columns can be combines into one column using the unite() command. I was not able to find a suitable dataset for an example. Instead, randomly generated hours, minutes and days were used here. The unite() function will be used to combine hours, minutes and seconds into the HH:MM:SS time format.


# unite Example

# Fake data, generate hours, minutes and seconds

hours <- round(runif(50, min = 0, max = 5), 0)
minutes <- round(runif(50, min = 0, max = 60), 0)
seconds <- round(runif(50, min = 0, max = 60), 0)

# Put hours, minutes and seconds together as a data frame:
sample <- data.frame(Hours = hours, Minutes = minutes, Seconds = seconds)

# A peek at the data:
##   Hours Minutes Seconds
## 1     3      34      29
## 2     2      40      45
## 3     2      50      33
## 4     2      50      10
## 5     3      57      40
## 6     1      13      45
# Put a zero as first digit if value is less than ten to get 0X format.

sample$Hours <- ifelse(sample$Hours < 10, paste0(0, sample$Hours), as.character(sample$Hours))
sample$Minutes <- ifelse(sample$Minutes < 10, paste0(0, sample$Minutes), as.character(sample$Minutes))
sample$Seconds <- ifelse(sample$Seconds < 10, paste0(0, sample$Seconds), as.character(sample$Seconds))

# Another peek to check:
##   Hours Minutes Seconds
## 1    03      34      29
## 2    02      40      45
## 3    02      50      33
## 4    02      50      10
## 5    03      57      40
## 6    01      13      45
# Unite the Hours, Minutes, Seconds columns, this combined column is Time:

united <- unite(sample, Time , Hours, Minutes, Seconds, sep = ":")

# One last look:
##       Time
## 1 03:34:29
## 2 02:40:45
## 3 02:50:33
## 4 02:50:10
## 5 03:57:40
## 6 01:13:45


With the unite() function, the dataset sample is specified. Time is the new column which combines Hours, Minutes, Seconds. The “:” in the sep argument gives the HH:MM:SS time format.

Before the unite function paste0() was used. paste0() concatenates/combines strings together. I used ifelse() for the condition where the hour/minute/second is less than 10. If it was less than 10, a 0 was put in front. If not, then no 0 is needed in front as it satisfies the two digits in HH, MM or SS.

Here is an example of paste0 and the brother function paste():


# paste0 (mini tutorial)

paste0("a", "1")
## [1] "a1"
paste("a", "1", sep = ".")
## [1] "a.1"




The separate() function allows for splitting one column into multiple columns. I was not able to find a suitable dataset for an example. A made up sample dataset was created as an example.

Suppose we have treatments A and B with numbers 1 and 2 as Male and Female (respectively). But the column treat_gender has values A_1, A_2, B_1 and B_2. The function separate() will be used to split into letters and numbers.


# separate into multiple columns example:

# Creating sample data:
# 1 is male, 2 is female


treat_gender <- c("A_1", "A_2", "B_1", "B_2")
Count <- c(3, 8 , 10, 6)

sample <- data.frame(treat_gender, Count)
##   treat_gender Count
## 1          A_1     3
## 2          A_2     8
## 3          B_1    10
## 4          B_2     6
# Separate column treat_gender into Treatment and Gender columns:
data <- separate(sample, treat_gender, c("Treatment", "Gender"), sep = "_")

# Change the 1 to Male and the 2 cases to Female
data$Gender[data$Gender == 1] <- "Male"
data$Gender[data$Gender == 2] <- "Female"

##   Treatment Gender Count
## 1         A   Male     3
## 2         A Female     8
## 3         B   Male    10
## 4         B Female     6




The tidyr package R makes data cleaning and data formatting much easier. The concepts here are not abstractly difficult but it does take a lot of practice.

The tidyr package itself is not enough for data cleaning. Other techniques and functions may be needed.




Some useful resources/references include: